Le Mon, 15 Jan 2018 17:18:38 +0100,
Danny Milosavljevic <dan...@scratchpost.org> a écrit :

> Hi Julien,
> On Mon, 15 Jan 2018 14:52:30 +0100
> julien lepiller <jul...@lepiller.eu> wrote:
> > claws-mail has a plugin system to add functionnality. For instance,
> > to add PGP support, one has to load 3 plugins from the claws-mail
> > package. By default, claws-mail looks in its store directory to
> > propose available plugins.
> > 
> > When upgrading claws-mail, the configuration doesn't change.
> > Plugins are still looked for in the old store location, so old
> > plugins are still used. This is bad for security and compatibility.
> > Another issue is when running guix gc afterwards: the old plugins
> > are deleted and claws-mail issues an error message on startup
> > because it cannot find them anymore.  
> I wonder how that happened.
> claws-mail already makes sure not to include the name of the plugin
> directory in entries in clawsrc:
> static gchar * plugin_canonical_name(const Plugin *plugin)
> {
>         if (plugin->in_prefix_dir == TRUE) {
>                 if (plugin_filename_is_standard_dir(plugin->filename)
> == TRUE) { gchar *plugin_name = g_path_get_basename(plugin->filename);
>                         return plugin_name;
>                 }
>         }
>         return g_strdup(plugin->filename);
> }
> And after the update it SHOULD take the plugins from the new
> installation directory.
> There's a Makefile variable PLUGINDIR which we could set, but as far
> as I can see it should already work fine (in claws-mail 3.16.0).
> Do your ~/.claws-mail/clawsrc entries include the directory name?

This is the end of my claswrc:


> If it's actually broken, the easiest fix would be to make
> get_plugin_dir() return the plugin directory in the profile instead.
> If the user then configures the plugins, he'll (hopefully) take the
> ones from the profile directory (instead of the ones directly in the
> store).  The function above then stores only the basenames - and on a
> later update of claws-mail files with these basenames should be
> looked up in the new installation directory.  And even if the
> function should not work, claws-mail would take the plugins from the
> profile directory - which would be the new ones in the case of an
> update.
> But I'd rather get to the bottom of this problem before making the
> claws-mail package so defensive.

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