Fis Trivial <> writes:

> * Version
> $: guix pull
> Updating from Git repository at ''...
> Building from Git commit 6b681ddda0f965d4163fbeb4b34520c91bd01f5d...
> Guix already up to date
> * Error and backtrace:
> $: guix package --search=mutt
> Backtrace:
> In guix/ui.scm:
>   1474:12 19 (run-guix-command _ . _)
> In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
>     837:9 18 (catch _ _ #<procedure 7f9d36ed4258 at guix/ui.scm:533…> …)
>     837:9 17 (catch _ _ #<procedure 7f9d36ed4270 at guix/ui.scm:633…> …)
> In guix/scripts/package.scm:
>    912:10 16 (_)
>     770:9 15 (process-query _)
> In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
>     837:9 14 (catch _ _ #<procedure 7f9d33b8f3c0 at guix/scripts/pa…> …)
> In guix/scripts/package.scm:
>    772:24 13 (_)
>    249:17 12 (find-packages-by-description _)
> In guix/discovery.scm:
>     137:3 11 (fold-module-public-variables _ _ _)
> In guix/combinators.scm:
>     45:26 10 (fold2 #<procedure 407e780 at guix/discovery.scm:137:1…> …)
>     45:26  9 (fold2 #<procedure 3182c00 at guix/discovery.scm:138:1…> …)
> In guix/discovery.scm:
>    140:33  8 (_ #<package ledger-agent@0.9.0 gnu/packages/finance.s…> …)
> In guix/scripts/package.scm:
>    250:34  7 (_ #<package ledger-agent@0.9.0 gnu/packages/finance.s…> …)
> In srfi/srfi-1.scm:
>    466:18  6 (fold #<procedure 2c20700 at guix/ui.scm:1143:8 (metri…> …)
> In guix/ui.scm:
>   1146:13  5 (_ _ 0)
>   1025:23  4 (texi->plain-text _)
> In texinfo.scm:
>   1131:22  3 (parse _)
>    979:31  2 (loop #<input: string 28ad1c0> (*fragment*) _ _ _)
>    868:21  1 (visit example #<input: string 28ad1c0> #f ((para #) #))
>    675:23  0 (complete-start-command _ #<input: string 28ad1c0>)
> texinfo.scm:675:23: In procedure complete-start-command:
> texinfo.scm:675:23: Throw to key `parser-error' with args `(#<input: string 
> 28ad1c0> "@-command didn't expect more args" example (".com --connect"))'.

Thanks for the report!  Fixed in

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