
>   (users (cons
>               (user-account
>                 (name "root")
>                 (uid 0)
>                 (group "root")
>                 (supplementary-groups '("home-directory"))
>                 (home-directory "/root")
>                 (shell (file-append zsh "/bin/zsh")))
>                (user-account
>                 (name "fusion809")
>                 (comment "Brenton Horne")
>                 (group "users")
>                 (supplementary-groups '("wheel" "netdev"
>                                         "audio" "video"))
>                 (home-directory "/home/fusion809")
> (shell "/run/current-system/profile/bin/zsh"))
>                %base-user-accounts))
> guessing the problem here is that I have two user-account fields?

Yes, “cons” takes a single item (its first argument) and prepends it to a
list (its second argument).  You can use “cons*” here, which prepends
more than one thing to a list.


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