Wow, that looks super cool, well done!

Really smooth and modern feel.  Joyful to explore :-)

Ludovic Courtès writes:

> Hello!
> It’s embarrassing that it took us so long, but I’m happy to say that the
> new web site is on line!
> I’ve created redirects from the old /news URLs to the new /blog URLs,
> using the oh-so-elegant script below (I can’t believe it’s not Scheme!).
> Please report:
>   • broken links;
>   • other pages that need a redirect;
>   • information that disappeared—I’m thinking in particular of talks,
>     which used to appear under /help, but are now supposed to be made
>     available via a blog post, the advantage being that we get
>     /blog/tag/TOPIC links to the post;
>   • anything else that’s broken.
> For web design issues, I hope sirgazil or someone else can answer and
> take action—I’m still not much of a web person and it’s probably better
> for everyone when I stick to writing Scheme.  ;-)
> Note that the cron job that used to update package pages from
> is now broken.  I’ll try to come up with something else
> with proper GuixSD integration and run it from
> Thanks again sirgazil for all the work!
> Ludo’.
> #!/bin/sh
> function gen_redirect
> {
>     TARGET_URL="$1"
>     cat <<EOF
> <!DOCTYPE html>
> <html lang="en">
>   <head>
>     <meta charset="UTF-8" />
>     <title>Page has moved! — GNU Guix</title>
>     <noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; 
> url=$TARGET_URL"></noscript>
>   </head>
>   <body onload="window.location = '$TARGET_URL';">
>     Redirecting to the new page location...
>   </body>
> </html>
> }
> URL_PREFIX="/software/guix/"
> for page in "$@"
> do
>     page_without_extension="`echo $page | sed -es'/\.html$//g'`"
>     new_page="`find ../blog -name $page_without_extension -type d | head -1`"
>     if [ -z "$new_page" ]
>     then
>       echo "no new page for '$page'" >&2
>       exit 1
>     fi
>     # Strip '../'.
>     new_page_url="$URL_PREFIX`echo $new_page | cut -c 4-`"
>     echo "redirect '$page' -> '$new_page_url'"
>     gen_redirect "$new_page_url" > "$page".new && mv "$page".new "$page"
> done

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