Hi Mark, Mark H Weaver <m...@netris.org> skribis:
> I'm not sure why you think "we are all guilty". Is it because we have a > collective responsibility to merge 'staging' more quickly than would be > possible if we waited for someone to test it first? If so, I disagree. Yes, I wrote “we are all guilty” because I think we are collectively responsible. Those who worked on it did their best to track and fix problems on the branch before merging and simply overlooked this problem; IOW, there was some testing, just not this particular test, which, in hindsight, is a mistake. > On the contrary, I believe we have a responsibility to make sure major > upgrade branches are tested before they are merged, because a broken > 'master' effectively means that we cannot deploy security updates to > users until the problem is fixed. I agree. But again, the branch was tested. Remember that gnome-shell is just one of the many things this branch touched; many other things lower in stack were upgraded. IOW, let’s not be too harsh to ourselves. We made an embarrassing mistake; we fixed it in a couple of days, and the lesson we learned is that we must test a full GNOME desktop the next time we upgrade things in this area. Ludo’.