On 08/06/17 16:03, Marius Bakke wrote:
> Mark H Weaver <m...@netris.org> writes:
>> I have a question: Does GNOME 3 work for *anyone* in Guix now?  If so,
>> that would be useful information.  If not, I wonder why this got merged
>> into master.
> I'm sorry, I don't actually use GNOME and should have tested it before
> pushing. I have been busy lately and didn't want to hold up the branch.
> It would be good to have a system test for GNOME and other DEs so we can
> catch these problems earlier.
> I'll try to help fixing this later today, but feel free to revert the
> updates meanwhile.

That aside, thanks for your all your great packaging work Marius! I
really appreciate it! :D

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