Ludovic Courtès <> writes:

> Hi Danny!
> Danny Milosavljevic <> skribis:
>> 70 GiB non-home root partition seems also be too small for it all. I have to 
>> do guix gc quite often - I'll have to repartition somewhen.
>> texlive finally downloaded correctly *shrugs*.  Texlive is really getting on 
>> my nerves - isn't it possible to modularize it more?  Also, one shouldn't 
>> require 2 GiB for a word processor and DTP. *mumble mumble*
> TeX Live is getting on everybody’s nerves.  :-)
> There are ways to turn it into a zillion packages from CTAN, which is
> what Nixpkgs did.  Ricardo (I think?) had some thoughts as to how to
> achieve this and I would really like to see it happen.

That would be great. I miss this snippet from my ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix:

    myTex = pkgs.texlive.combine {
      inherit (texlive) scheme-small marginnote sectsty cm-super enumitem
      xifthen ifmtarg unicode-math filehook collection-fontsrecommended
      collection-fontsextra libertine gentium-tug ucharcat;

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