Danny Milosavljevic <dan...@scratchpost.org> skribis: > I'd like to make the following change to guix/build/utils.scm : > > diff --git a/guix/build/utils.scm b/guix/build/utils.scm > index bc6f11415..ca6360ed4 100644 > --- a/guix/build/utils.scm > +++ b/guix/build/utils.scm > @@ -409,7 +409,8 @@ for under the directories designated by FILES. For > example: > #:key > (separator ":") > (type 'directory) > - pattern) > + pattern > + keep-previous-path?) > "Look for each of FILES of the given TYPE (a symbol as returned by > 'stat:type') in INPUT-DIRS. Set ENV-VAR to a SEPARATOR-separated path > accordingly. Example: > @@ -430,7 +431,13 @@ denoting file names to look for under the directories > designated by FILES: > (let* ((path (search-path-as-list files input-dirs > #:type type > #:pattern pattern)) > - (value (list->search-path-as-string path separator))) > + (value (list->search-path-as-string path separator)) > + (previous-path (getenv env-var)) > + (value (if (and keep-previous-path? > + previous-path > + (not (string-null? previous-path))) > + (string-append value ":" previous-path) > + value))) > (if (string-null? value) > (begin > ;; Never set ENV-VAR to an empty string because often, the empty > > Would that rebuild the world, though?
Yep. I don’t think that is needed though: we can use ‘set-path-environment-variables’ like your patch did to set PATH precisely. Thanks, Ludo’.