I agree with Tylan.
Instead of the current patch, however, I'd change the whole paragraph to
something like this (a combination with the current first paragraph on
GuixSD (Guix System Distribution) is a distribution of the [GNU
operating system][link] centered on the GNU Guix package manager. It
uses the [Linux-libre kernel][link] by default, with the [GNU
Hurd][link] being supported as of version 0.12.0. As a GNU distribution,
it is committed to respecting and enhancing the [freedom][link] of its
users, and adheres to the [GNU Free System Distribution
To David, the Guix developers had the intention to call the system just
GNU, and distribute it as GNU (Guix is a GNU project after all), but RMS
didn't agree, so it was decided to use the GuixSD name and call it "A
distribution of GNU", and not "THE distribution of GNU." [1]
Luis Felipe López Acevedo