I agree with Tylan.

Instead of the current patch, however, I'd change the whole paragraph to something like this (a combination with the current first paragraph on Wikipedia):

GuixSD (Guix System Distribution) is a distribution of the [GNU operating system][link] centered on the GNU Guix package manager. It uses the [Linux-libre kernel][link] by default, with the [GNU Hurd][link] being supported as of version 0.12.0. As a GNU distribution, it is committed to respecting and enhancing the [freedom][link] of its users, and adheres to the [GNU Free System Distribution Guidelines][link].

To David, the Guix developers had the intention to call the system just GNU, and distribute it as GNU (Guix is a GNU project after all), but RMS didn't agree, so it was decided to use the GuixSD name and call it "A distribution of GNU", and not "THE distribution of GNU." [1]

[1] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/gnu-system-discuss/2014-11/msg00002.html

Luis Felipe López Acevedo

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