Adonay Felipe Nogueira <> writes:

> # Steps to reproduce
> Simply try running Scribus. It closes immediatelly.

I cannot reproduce this.  I just upgraded Scribus; I’m using

> # Notes
> * I have attached the raw output of `strace scribus`.
> * It seems that, from the strace, one sees that something (Scribus?)
>   attempts to use things from the host's root ("/"), not from the
>   derivative's root ("$out/"), although, if comparing the existance of
>   some files between the two path trees, some of them don't exist in
>   the derivative's path tree (e.g.: No "$out/lib/python2.7/", or
>   no "$profile/lib/python2.7/", in the case of the current user's
>   ".guix-profile"  directory).

Are you running Scribus on GuixSD or on a foreign distro?  The strace
shows that your Scribus opens /usr/lib/python2.7/, which
doesn’t exist on GuixSD.  Mixing Python from Guix with a system Python
installation is bound to lead to problems.

What is your PYTHONPATH variable set to?


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