
> I know more people than just me are using libreboot here, do you have
> any problems with suspend and recovery?

I have a X200 and some time after waking up from suspend on the first larger 
disk access it hangs, losing all the dirty sector payload in the process. This 
is Guix-specific, the same machine works just fine on Ubuntu.

> Following this[0] thread you can see the problems I have with libreboot
> latest (latest at the time of flashing) experimental release.

> Can you test (if your system is already libreboot testing, if not wait
> for either the next release candidate which should happen soon or be
> ready to unbrick it) and provide logs so that we can fix it in our
> system?

I don't update the BIOS (I disabled the ability to do so in the chip settings).

Given the ability for an update to brick, I only flashed it once before there 
was any data on the machine - and I don't plan on doing it again on this 

I do actual work on this machine and were it not booting it would be much worse 
than wakeup not working.

I sometimes non-thinkingly close the laptop lid so it crashes from time to 
time. So if logs help I can provide those.

Also, dmidecode stopped working some time ago so I can't check which libreboot 
version I have.

$ sudo dmidecode 
# dmidecode 2.12
SMBIOS 2.7 present.
8 structures occupying 382 bytes.
Table at 0xBDAB4020.

/dev/mem: Operation not permitted
Table is unreachable, sorry.

$ uname -a
Linux dayas 4.6.4-gnu #1 SMP 1 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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