Ludo: On Fri, Jun 03, 2016 at 18:12:47 +0200, Ludovic Courtès wrote: > First, ‘git pull’ doesn’t do it for you, you have to pass ‘--verify’ and > there’s no way to set it globally.
That's unfortunate. Does your checkout scenario include a fresh clone? If so, a pull flag wouldn't help there. Leo mentioned a patch; I don't think that'd be too difficult (looking at other config options in builtin/pull.c), and would be a great idea. It appears to pass it off to merge.c; that might be a useful area to verify signatures as well (pull being a fetch && merge/rebase), in a general sense. > Second, even if it did, it would be a shallow check: as Mike notes in > <> with the ‘signchk’ > script, you actually have to traverse the whole commit history and > authenticate them one by one. But that’s OK, it runs in presumably less > than a minute on a repo the size of Guix’s, and we could also stop at > signed tags to avoid redundant checks. Practically speaking, that's probably fine, though note that a signed tag is just a signed hash of the commit it points to (with some metadata), so you're trusting the integrity of SHA-1 and nothing more. With that said, the tag points to what will hopefully be a signed commit, so if you verify the signature of the tag _and_ that commit, that'd be even better. Git's use of SHA-1 makes cryptographic assurances difficult/awkward. An occasional traversal of the entire DAG by, say, a CI script would provide some pretty good confidence. I wouldn't say it's necessary for every pull. > Third, as I wrote before¹, relying on the OpenPGP web of trust to > determine whether a commit is “valid” is inappropriate: what we want to > know is whether a commit was made by an authorized person, not whether > it was made by someone who happens to have an OpenPGP key directly or > indirectly certified. If you want to keep with the convenience of the web of trust, then you can have a keyring trusting only the appropriate Guix hackers. Otherwise, I agree. > Fourth, there’s inversion of control: ‘git log’ & co. call out to ‘gpg’, > so if we want to do something different than just ‘gpg --verify’, we > have to put some other ‘gpg’ script in $PATH. Blech. What types of things are you considering? Or are you just considering the possibility? I agree that it is awkward. At the same time, making it configurable (in the git sense) can potentially be very dangerous, because a malicious script (e.g. configure) could just modify it to a noop (e.g. `true`) and circumvent signature checks. > Fifth, even if we did that, we’d be stuck parsing the possibly l10n’d > output of ‘gpg’. Pretty fragile. In the log output? You could use --pretty and %G*. Otherwise, yes parsing GPG's output seems dangerous; surely there's a better way (like Leo mentioned). > Well no, it turns out that libgit2³ has no support for signed commits > (the ‘signature’ abstraction there has nothing to do with OpenPGP > signatures.) !? D: That's more concerning from a community mindset standpoint than anything. > Seventh, even if it did, what would we do with the raw ASCII-armored > OpenPGP signature? GPG and GPGME are waaaay too high-level, so we’d > need to implement OpenPGP (in Guile, maybe based on the OpenPGP library > in Bigloo?)?! What about gpgme/libgcrypt?[*] > I stumbled upon git-lockup⁴, which uses something other than OpenPGP to > sign objects in Git. However, signatures are not stored in commits but > rather in “git notes”, which, IIUC, are mutable objects detached from > the rest of the object store, so not great. It seems a bit over-complicated. Without reading much into it, it doesn't strike me as much different than a detached signature, but the problem is that the signature (as you implied) can just be deleted. Git's commit/tag signatures are embedded in the actual object. git-lockup also seems to hash "(branch,commitid) pairs", which signs considerably less data than Git's signature would (unless it actually signs the full object, not a string referencing it). I'll have to read over your first reference (your message) and its references; now I'm curious. [*]: I was actually considering writing an FFI for libgcrypt (if it doesn't exist already), but it made me uncomfortable without studying whether Guile can make assurances that pointer-referenced data in "secure" memory will never be copied anywhere else. I was going to bring it up in the near future on the guile mailing list after I did some research myself; no need to derail the discussion here. -- Mike Gerwitz Free Software Hacker+Activist | GNU Maintainer & Volunteer FSF Member #5804 | GPG Key ID: 0x8EE30EAB
Description: PGP signature