Ludovic Courtès (2016-02-11 12:11 +0300) wrote:

> Hello!
> In current Guix master we have Texinfo 6.0 and 6.1.  With 6.0 installed
> in my profile, hitting ^ in the M-x guix-installed-packages buffer does
> not mark Texinfo as a candidate for upgrade.

The fact that we have 2 versions is the answer.  In Emacs UI a package
is not considered to be obsolete if there is a package definition with
the same name+version.

That's why "texinfo 6.0" is green in the list, not red (as obsolete

I believe marking such packages as obsolete is not correct and it may be
confusing.  See <>.

For example, if a user makes a package for some old version, (s)he wants
to use it and probably doesn't want it to be updated by accident
(because it is obsolete).


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