On Sun, Mar 08, 2015 at 11:09:13PM +0100, Ludovic Courtès wrote:
tc...@suse.cz skribis:After booting into Guix I used slim to login into Ratpoison and I run there terminal emulator. `guix' wasn't available in current PATH settings so user couldn't maintain his profile. I believe that /run/current-system/profile/bin/ should be added to PATH.AFAICS it is. Could it be that the account’s .bash_profile fails to source /etc/profile, or something like that (info "(bash) Bash Startup Files")? See /etc/skel/.bash{rc,_profile} as examples.
As my config file changed, I'm no longer able to reproduce it. If there is such bug, it will reappear in future. Please close the bug.
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