The culprit is that our client would not support the TLS ‘SERVER NAME’
extension, unlike the wget and gnutls-cli (this is enabled simply by
calling ‘gnutls_server_name_set’.)  Here’s a proof-of-concept

diff --git a/guix/build/download.scm b/guix/build/download.scm
index d98933a..b44302f 100644
--- a/guix/build/download.scm
+++ b/guix/build/download.scm
@@ -112,6 +112,24 @@ abbreviation of URI showing the scheme, host, and basename of the file."
       "Hold a weak reference from FROM to TO."
       (hashq-set! table from to))))
+(use-modules (system foreign))
+(define set-server-name!
+  (let* ((lib  (string-append (getenv "HOME") "/.guix-profile/lib/libgnutls"))
+         (ptr  (dynamic-func "gnutls_server_name_set"
+                             (dynamic-link lib)))
+         (proc (pointer->procedure int ptr
+                                   (list '* int '* size_t))))
+    (lambda (session type name)
+      ;; SESSION is a SMOB, and the 'gnutls_session_t' pointer is in its
+      ;; second cell.
+      (let* ((cell    (make-pointer (+ (sizeof '*) (object-address session))))
+             (session (dereference-pointer cell)))
+        (zero? (proc session type
+                     (string->pointer name) (string-length name)))))))
+(define GNUTLS_NAME_DNS 1)
 (define (tls-wrap port)
   "Return PORT wrapped in a TLS connection."
   (define (log level str)
@@ -119,6 +137,7 @@ abbreviation of URI showing the scheme, host, and basename of the file."
             "gnutls: [~a|~a] ~a" (getpid) level str))
   (let ((session (make-session connection-end/client)))
+    (set-server-name! session GNUTLS_NAME_DNS "")
     (set-session-transport-fd! session (fileno port))
     (set-session-default-priority! session)
     (set-session-credentials! session (make-certificate-credentials))
I’ll add bindings for ‘gnutls_server_name_set’ in GnuTLS proper, and
then we can correctly address this bug.


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