* module/srfi/srfi-1.scm (map!): Re-use cons cells of first argument.

This patch rewrites map! to update its first argument in-place.  I based the
implementation on the description in the Guile manual.  Most of the code is
copied from regular map with different argument checking logic.  I wasn't
entirely sure of the conventions around scm-error so let me know if that's not
the appropriate key.


 module/srfi/srfi-1.scm | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/module/srfi/srfi-1.scm b/module/srfi/srfi-1.scm
index b46f7be5f..c0018b188 100644
--- a/module/srfi/srfi-1.scm
+++ b/module/srfi/srfi-1.scm
@@ -791,8 +791,62 @@ has just one element then that's the return value."
 (define (append-map! f clist1 . rest)
   (concatenate! (apply map f clist1 rest)))
-;; OPTIMIZE-ME: Re-use cons cells of list1
-(define map! map)
+(define map!
+  (case-lambda
+    ((f lst)
+     (check-arg procedure? f map!)
+     (check-arg list? lst map!)
+     (let map1 ((l lst))
+       (if (pair? l)
+           (begin
+             (set-car! l (f (car l)))
+             (map1 (cdr l)))
+           lst)))
+    ((f lst1 lst2)
+     (check-arg procedure? f map!)
+     (check-arg list? lst1 map!)
+     (let* ((len1 (length lst1))
+            (len2 (length+ lst2))
+            ;; Ensure either that all lists after the first are circular or 
+            ;; they are at least as long as the first
+            (len (and (or (not len2)
+                          (<= len1 len2))
+                      len1)))
+       (unless len
+         (scm-error 'misc-error "map!"
+                    "All argument lists must be at least as long as first: ~S"
+                    (list (list lst1 lst2)) #f))
+       (let map2 ((l1 lst1) (l2 lst2) (len len))
+         (if (zero? len)
+             lst1
+             (begin
+               (set-car! l1 (f (car l1) (car l2)))
+               (map2 (cdr l1) (cdr l2) (1- len)))))))
+    ((f lst1 . rest)
+     (check-arg procedure? f map!)
+     (check-arg list? lst1 map!)
+     ;; Ensure either that all lists after the first are circular or that
+     ;; they are at least as long as the first
+     (let ((len (fold (lambda (ls len)
+                        (let ((ls-len (length+ ls)))
+                          (and len
+                               (or (not ls-len)
+                                   (<= len ls-len))
+                               len)))
+                      (length lst1)
+                      rest)))
+       (unless len
+         (scm-error 'misc-error "map!"
+                    "All argument lists must be at least as long as first: ~S"
+                    (list (cons lst1 rest)) #f))
+       (let mapn ((l1 lst1) (rest rest) (len len))
+         (if (zero? len)
+             lst1
+             (begin
+               (set-car! l1 (apply f (car l1) (map car rest)))
+               (mapn (cdr l1) (map cdr rest) (1- len)))))))))
 (define (filter-map proc list1 . rest)
   "Apply PROC to the elements of LIST1... and return a list of the

  • bug#74696: [PAT... Bug reports for GUILE, GNU's Ubiquitous Extension Language

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