Hi, lloda <ll...@sarc.name> skribis:
> I'm pleased to see all these fixes. However, I noticed a few breakages. They > come from relying on undocumented behavior, but only using the public > interface, so others might be affected. I don't propose to patch them, but > perhaps to make a note in NEWS or (for the last two) to add a paragraph in > the manual explaining how to achieve the same goal – the reference > documentation doesn't have enough examples. > > * test-begin and test-end now require strings. The old version accepted > symbols. > * test-approximate requires real arguments. The old version accepted complex > arguments. > * The exported variable test-log-to-file is gone. As discussed on IRC, I think we should consider restoring support for these idioms, whether or not they conform to the reference, in an effort to minimize breakage (especially since this is slated for a point release). WDYT, Tomas? Ludo’.