Backtrace gives error messages and does not print the whole backtrace.
I get the following errors in the end of the backtrace:
In procedure vector-ref: Argument 2 out of range: 72
In procedure cdr: Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting pair): #f

Steps to reproduce the bug:

If you want to use guile from the repository do the following:

1. Download the file theme-d-work20241025-1.tar.xz
from and unpack it somewhere.

2. Create a guile environment with command "meta/uninstalled-env bash".

3. Change the file libthemedsupport/ so that variable
libthemedsupport_la_CPPFLAGS contains option -I<guile-path> where <guile-path> is
the path of your local guile repository.

4. Give command

  ./configure --with-guile-program=<guile-path>/meta/guile

5. Build Theme-D with "make".

6. Create a subenvironment with command "meta/uninstalled-env bash".

7. cd to subdirectory theme-d-code/tests

8. Give commands

  theme-d-compile -m ..: test469.thp
  theme-d-link -m ..: test469.tcp

If you want to use guile installed to your system omit steps 2 and 3 and use configure command ./configure.

     - Tommi Höynälänmaa

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FT, Debian-ylläpitäjä / PhD, Debian Maintainer

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