Hi folks!
Recently I was bothered by a strange bug when debugging Artanis, here's how
to reproduce.
You need three files, say aaa.scm, bbb.scm, and entry

(define-module (aaa)
 #:export (global))

(define global #f)
----------------------aaa.scm end------------

(define-module (bbb)
 #:use-module (aaa)
 #:export (fun))

(define (fun)
 (pk 'before global)
 (set! global 123)
 (pk 'after global))
-------------------bbb.scm end-------------

(import (bbb))

-----------------entry end-------------

Put all files in the same directory, and run:
guile -L . entry

The result is:
;;; (before #f)
;;; (after #f)

The expected result should be:
;; (before #f)
;; (after 123)


This was tested in 3.0.9 and 3.0.10.

I also CC  guile-user list, in case anyone was troubled by strange bugs,
this may be a hint.

Best regards.

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