Hello, I think I found a bug in (srfi srfi-64) module shipped with GNU Guile.
test-with-runner has following signature: (test-with-runner runner decl-or-expr ...) That, according to syntax-case rules (and how test-apply works with the same definition) should mean that it accepts 0 or more decl-or-expr. However that does not seem to be the case: (use-modules (srfi srfi-64)) (let ((r (test-runner-null))) (test-with-runner r)) Leading to: ;;; Syntax error: ;;; unknown location: lambda: bad lambda in form (lambda ()) ice-9/psyntax.scm:2824:12: In procedure syntax-violation: Syntax error: unknown location: lambda: bad lambda in form (lambda ()) Have a nice day Tomas Volf