Good evening,

I don't know if this is actually a Guile bug or a documentation bug, but I'm 
currently learning Guile from the "Guile reference manual" and I've found a 
mismatch between what the documentation says and what "my" guile does. I use 
Guile 3.0.9.

In my Guile instance (from what I can deduce), last-index is a procedure that 
returns the index of the first element of a list that matches with a 

For example:

(list-index '(1 2 3) 3) -> 2
(list-index '(height width) 'width) -> 1

But the documentation says otherwise 

list-index pred lst1 lst2 ...

Returns the index of the first set of elements, one from each of lst1 lst2 ..., 
which satisfies pred.

If I try to run list-index examples (from the documentation) I get an error 
because it doesn't know how to deal with a procedure as the first argument.

I'm missing something? I understand that list-index it's defined in SRFI-1 and 
maybe a Guile definition is shadowing the SRFI-1 definition. But where is the 
Guile documentation for this shadowing list-index? In the Guile Reference 
Manual list-index it's only described inside SRFI-1 module.

Thank you for your help.

Forgive me for any inconvenience,

  • bug#72347: Mism... Bug reports for GUILE, GNU's Ubiquitous Extension Language

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