Oh man. This little patch all by itself makes the problem behaviour go away. No switching to SWPAL/CASAL, just tightening the spinloop. (And no changes at all to the CAS code, so nothing to do with the fibers bug I guess.)

With the patch, the spinloop goes LDAXR-STLXR-CBNZ (which is what GCC does when SWPAL isn't there) instead of potentially MOV-LDAXR-STLXR-CBNZ (which isn't).

Could the machine really be so sensitive to the target of the CBNZ?

 libguile/lightening/lightening/aarch64-cpu.c | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/libguile/lightening/lightening/aarch64-cpu.c b/libguile/lightening/lightening/aarch64-cpu.c
index 13aa351e9..4df712a0e 100644
--- a/libguile/lightening/lightening/aarch64-cpu.c
+++ b/libguile/lightening/lightening/aarch64-cpu.c
@@ -2532,10 +2532,10 @@ str_atomic(jit_state_t *_jit, int32_t loc, int32_t val)
 static void
 swap_atomic(jit_state_t *_jit, int32_t dst, int32_t loc, int32_t val)
-  void *retry = jit_address(_jit);
   int32_t result = jit_gpr_regno(get_temp_gpr(_jit));
int32_t val_or_tmp = dst == val ? jit_gpr_regno(get_temp_gpr(_jit)) : val;
   movr(_jit, val_or_tmp, val);
+  void *retry = jit_address(_jit);
   LDAXR(_jit, dst, loc);
   STLXR(_jit, val_or_tmp, loc, result);
   jit_patch_there(_jit, bnei(_jit, result, 0), retry);

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