The following valid R7RS library definition is not handled correctly by

(define-library (guile-test)
  (export fold)
    ((library (scheme list))
     (import (scheme list)))
    ((library (srfi srfi-1))
     (import (srfi srfi-1)))))

This is what I get:

$ guile --r7rs -L .
GNU Guile 3.0.1
> (import (guile-test))
While compiling expression:
no code for module (scheme list)

Thus, the cond-expand library declaration does not seem to be handled
correctly. Other experiments with cond-expand also show strange behaviors:

(define-library (guile-test)
  (export foo)
     (import (scheme base))))
    (define foo 42)))

> (import (guile-test))
While compiling expression:
Syntax error:
unknown location: source expression failed to match any pattern in form
(((begin (define foo 42))))



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