On Mon 27 Jun 2016 04:54, David Pirotte <da...@altosw.be> writes:

> Hello Andy,
>> >> However... I believe merge-generics is intended to merge duplicate
>> >> imported bindings.  It does not provide a copy-on-write version of an
>> >> imported generic, if that generic was not duplicated in the imports.
>> >> There is no facility in GOOPS to do that, AFAIU.  
>> > It is a module bug, not a GOOPS bug, see my 'personal/local' fix: the 
>> > problem is
>> > that once the user uses #:export, guile's module system create a new 
>> > binding,
>> > and it should not ... [hence this confusion as well: as it is: the module 
>> > must
>> > merge its definition with the imported ones, even if it imported only 1
>> > generic ... because of a module bug...]  
>> I... I just think you're wrong here, sorry :/ That's just not how the
>> system works.  If you #:export an identifier in a module, you create a
>> fresh local binding, and that binding doesn't implicitly extend an
>> imported binding, merge-generics or no.  Merge-generics only operates on
>> the import interface of a module.
> I don't think so, and I feel sorry too ;/. We disagree, which is different, 
> and
> nobody is 'right' or 'wrong' here. [and I know 'how the system works, I 
> described
> it that in the original email, I'd like to change that, hence this thread ...]
> IMO, this should never fail:
>       ,use (b)
>       make <b>

There are plenty of reasons for (make foo) to fail in the abstract --
from bad logic in the initializers, to the initializer using unbound
variables, to many other things.  In this case your initializer is:

(define-method (initialize (self <b>) initargs)
  (let ((a (make <a>)))
    (set-width self (get-width a))
    #;(add-child b a)))

However in this module you have done an #:export get-width on B, and so
the get-width that you are calling in module (b) has no methods for
values of type A.

> Your last sentence states that merge-generics only operates on the import 
> interface
> of a module: that is the feature I'm referring to to claim the above:
>   [ using #:export ]
>       t0      the system creates new 'empty' binding
>               at some point 'it' knows it is a gf
>       ti      it imports (a)
>       now the (b) module interface is facing a duplicate gf binding, and 
> according
>       to the user settings wrt to this, it has to merge.

I'm not sure from this whether you think the current code has a bug or a
feature limitation.

For me :) I have it clear in my mind that there does not appear to be a
bug here.  merge-generics only operates over bindings that are imported
in a module: module A imports modules B and C, and B and C both export a
generic `foo'.  Or one is a generic and one is not, or something like
that.  merge-generics *does not* merge an imported binding and a local

It does seem like you want the system to work in a different way, and
that position is understandable -- however designing and implementing
such a thing is very low on my priority list right now and I doubt I
will get to it any time soon if at all.  If you or someone else wants to
implement this, the first step would be to come up with a design
including a patch to the documentation and mail the list.  I think I
would want the design before seeing a patch.



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