Follow-up Comment #4, bug #65763 (group groff):

[comment #2 comment #2:]
> as groff moves toward supporting such languages in other ways
> (the fixed bug #63076, the pending bug #62830).

Both now fixed!

> This breaks back compatibility with ~'s current use as a synonym
> (along with myriad other characters) for the ' conditional operator.

Such compatibility issues can come up in unexpected places: bug #66481 shows
an example of a long-working delimiter surprising a longtime roff user when
its meaning was changed.  And ~ seems more likely than | to be in use as a
delimiter, since it doesn't carry other meanings in other contexts.

(The discussion of adding syntax to the parser for string comparison is not
strictly on topic for this ticket, which concerns itself only with existing
string comparisons in macro packages.  But there's no ticket (yet) for the
former issue, and no one seems completely sold on the idea, so I hesitate to
open one.  It probably needs to be vetted on the email list first.)


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