Follow-up Comment #2, bug #66438 (group groff):

> Unfortunately, the `\{1,\}` solution you propose is also not a POSIX BRE.

Hmm, okay, I did not read the POSIX spec/standard (yet?). But this whole
vs extended RE business is really unfortunate in my opinion. I always
everytime I write an expression. 

And, to be honest, I misinterpreted the man page of my mac os/bsd(?) `expr` as
if the bounds notation `\{1,\}` _would_  be BRE.

> I've have to respell the pattern using a doubled atom and the * quantifier.

You mean, soemthing like this hint from the re_format man page?

"Also note that ‘x+’ in modern REs is equivalent to ‘xx*’"

> Also, 10 digits of Git hash ought to be enough for anybody. 

Haha, yes, sorry. I just double clicked on the hash and pasted it.


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