Update of bug #66382 (group groff):

                Severity:              3 - Normal => 2 - Minor              


Follow-up Comment #1:

[comment #0 original submission:]
> tmac/groff.7.man: explanation of the request 'pso' is not clear enough

There is no such file in the official groff tree.  Is this one of your
customizations?  Or are you referring to

> The argument may not be a variable (register, string, or macro),
> but must be a constant string.

This does not appear to be true, of current groff or any official groff going
back to at least 1.19.2.  Is this one of your customizations?

$ cat pso_test
.ds greeting echo Hello
.pso \*[greeting] world
$ nroff -U pso_test | cat -s
Hello world


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