
                 Summary: [mm] vertical space should precede date in `LT`
blocked letters
                   Group: GNU roff
               Submitter: gbranden
               Submitted: Sat 26 Oct 2024 06:05:22 AM UTC
                Category: Macro package mm
                Severity: 3 - Normal
              Item Group: Rendering/Cosmetics
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
         Planned Release: None


Follow-up Comments:

Date: Sat 26 Oct 2024 06:05:22 AM UTC By: G. Branden Robinson <gbranden>
Problem affects _groff_ 1.22.3 and later, likely earlier too.


$ cat ATTIC/simpler-letter.mm 
123 Main Street
Anytown, ST  10101
456 Elsewhere Avenue
Nirvana, PA  20406
We have a research leak!
The next person I catch embedding engineering samples of our Lightspeed
Overdrive 2048-core processors in cork coasters distributed at trade
shows is going to regret it.
sundry careless people

At first, it appears that DWB 3.3 _mm_ didn't put vertical space before the
date when formatting such a letter.

$ DWBHOME=~/dwb ~/dwb/bin/nroff -mm ATTIC/simpler-letter.mm | cat -s

                                     123 Main Street
                                     Anytown, ST  10101
                                     October 26, 2024

       456 Elsewhere Avenue
       Nirvana, PA  20406

       We have a research leak!  The next person I catch embedding
       engineering samples of our Lightspeed Overdrive 2048-core
       processors in cork coasters distributed at trade shows is
       going to regret it.

                                     Yours very truly,

       Copy to
       sundry careless people

...but this is contradicted by [https://tkurtbond.github.io/troff/mm-all.pdf
an example in the DWB 3.3 manual (p. D-2, PDF p. 60)].

Checking DWB _troff_, rather than _nroff_, output is revealing.

$ DWBHOME=~/dwb ~/dwb/bin/troff -a -mm ATTIC/simpler-letter.mm | cat -s

 123 Main Street
 Anytown, ST 10101

 October 26, 2024

456 Elsewhere Avenue
Nirvana, PA 20406

We have a research leak! The next person I catch embedding engineering samples
of our Lightspeed
Overdrive 2048-core processors in cork coasters distributed at trade shows is
going to regret it.

 Yours very truly, 

<START>] Copy to
sundry careless people

(Heirloom Doctools _mm_ has some pretty bad regressions relative to DWB 3.3
and so I won't show its output.)


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