Follow-up Comment #1, bug #66328 (group groff): I checked the output of 4.2BSD and 4.3BSD-Reno _ms_, and _groff_ 1.22.4 was indeed more consistent with them than 1.23.0 was, in this respect.
(For the purpose of the specimen below, 4.2BSD and 4.3BSD-Reno implementations of _ms_ appear to produce identical PostScript. I'm using _groff_ Git as the _formatter_ for them; those BSD releases did not support PostScript output at all.) I say "more" consistent, not "completely" consistent. I observe further points. A. BSD _ms_ spaced leader dots _much_ more densely than _groff_ does. This is of course as unspecified in _ms_ documentation (anyone's--until _groff_ 1.23.0 introduced the `TC-LEADER` string) as the line length change, but I am disinclined to change _groff_ for closer BSD emulation in this area. I think _groff ms_'s leader dot spacing looks better, and makes the gap before the page number seem less like a yawning chasm. (The span of that chasm is configurable in _groff_ 1.23.0 [`TC-MARGIN`], but not elsewhere short of altering or replacing the package's macros.) B. _groff ms_ numbers the TOC page (in lowercase roman) in both 1.22.4 and 1.23.0, BSD _ms_ does not. C. _groff_ 1.23.0 [ increases the default line length as documented in the "NEWS" file]. All _ms_ implementations known to me--all the way back to Unix V7 _ms_--support registers to change this line length and page offset, and _groff_ has supported custom paper sizes for decades. That's important for users outside the U.S. and Canada. D. BSD _ms_ exhibits cut marks on the pages; _groff ms_ does not. E. BSD _ms_ uses a larger top margin before emitting the TOC. F. _groff_ 1.22.4 _ms_ exhibits a bug with this input; a spurious row of leader dots on a line by itself follows the last TOC entry. _groff_ 1.23.0 fixed this. Specimen: $ cat ATTIC/ .ds C1 Chapter the First, \ in which we Ramble On at Excessive Length for the Purpose of \ Contriving a Table of Contents Entry So Garroulous That It Will Surely \ Overrun the Line in Any Sensible Page Configuration\" .ds C2 Chapter the Second, \ in which we Do Much the Same, \ but Apply an Added Twist\" .ds C3 Of a Supplement for the Table of Contents, \ Which in a Traditional Work Might Be Something Like \ an Em-Dash-Separated List of Subsections or Sundry Other Topics \ Covered Therein .NH 1 \*(C1 .XS \*(C1 .XE .LP This is an .I ms document. .NH 1 \*(C2 .XS \*(C2 .XA no .in 8n \*(C3 .in .XE .LP It is part of a regression test. .TC (file #56512, file #56513, file #56514, file #56515) _______________________________________________________ Additional Item Attachment: File name: longtoc.4.2BSD.png Size: 96KiB <> File name: longtoc.4.3BSD-Reno.png Size: 96KiB <> File name: longtoc.groff-1.22.4.png Size: 94KiB <> File name: longtoc.groff-1.23.0.png Size: 91KiB <> AGPL NOTICE These attachments are served by Savane. You can download the corresponding source code of Savane at _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah
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