I was not aware of this change (not following groff development closely) and it took me quite a bit of time today to find the root course of why some newly compiled old documents of mine do not contain an index any more.

the reasoning in the release notes "This undocumented 4.2BSD ms extension was similarly undocumented by groff mm and ms. No documents applying it are attested." seems not to be sound:

existence of that macro was sure not a secret and if it really was undocumented in the official docs, that could have been fixed instead of just deleting the functionality.

regarding "no documents": well, maybe no "official" ones, but mine sure did and those of other users probably too. :).

I have now reimplemented the macro as a fix/workaround (it really was a one-line macro in the orignal ms package anyway, I guess) but my simple question: why was it deemed necessary to delete the macro in the first place. I cannot see any benefit from doing this (except ca. 3 LOC less) but it sure did cost me some lifetime today to find out what is going on ...


ps: yes, I know that IX is not a full fledged indexing facility and that there are superior solutions including makeindex. but it sure is easy and sufficient for many purposes.

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