Follow-up Comment #2, bug #66112 (group groff): [comment #1 comment #1:] > Dave, would you be willing to prepare an appropriate patch to "tmac/en.tmac"?
I'll do better than that--I'll prepare _two_. The first contains only those characters that appear in English words, as defined by the SCOWL word list (version 2020.12.07, the latest as of this writing; This is the most complete, easily greppable word list I know of, but it still may be missing some obscurities. The second contains all alphabetic Latin-1 characters that have bare ASCII counterparts (omitting, e.g., þ and æ). The letters included in the first set but excluded from the second are ã, ì, ò, õ, ý, and ÿ, and their uppercase counterparts for those that have them. Both patches have an introductory comment, both of which point to this bug report's URL for the rationale, as copying the extensive explanation in the original submission into tmac-file comments seemed inelegant. There may be a better way to handle this, or including a rationale in the comments may not even be necessary. Those judgment calls I leave to someone who's done more tmac-file hacking than I have. (file #56424, file #56425) _______________________________________________________ Additional Item Attachment: File name: 66112-selected-chars.patch Size: 969B <> File name: 66112-all-chars.patch Size: 1KiB <> AGPL NOTICE These attachments are served by Savane. You can download the corresponding source code of Savane at _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah
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