URL: <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?66187>
Summary: [troff] permit control over flushing of output file state Group: GNU roff Submitter: gbranden Submitted: Sun 08 Sep 2024 05:16:45 AM UTC Category: Core Severity: 1 - Wish Item Group: Feature change Status: None Privacy: Public Assigned to: None Open/Closed: Open Discussion Lock: Any Planned Release: None _______________________________________________________ Follow-up Comments: ------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun 08 Sep 2024 05:16:45 AM UTC By: G. Branden Robinson <gbranden> As recently discussed on the mailing list, when _troff_ features that wrap device extension commands (meaning: the `\X` escape sequence and `device` request) run, they end up calling the following function. void troff_output_file::start_special(tfont *tf, color *gcol, color *fcol, bool omit_command_prefix) { set_font(tf); stroke_color(gcol); fill_color(fcol); flush_tbuf(); do_motion(); if (!omit_command_prefix) put("x X "); } This function does a lot. It updates the state of the selected font, stroke and fill colors, and drawing position. These all map to device-independent output commands ('f', 'm', 'D F', and 'H' and 'V', respectively). A device extension command may influence none, some, or all of these. Hence all the function arguments, right? Well, no. There's no means in the _groff_ language (nor of Kernighan _troff_ before it) of expressing *which* of these should be updated before or after a device extension command. So, basically, this function resets everything. For one thing, that's inelegant, and leads to pointless _grout_ commands appearing in the output stream. For another, and much worse, this means you _can't_, from the _groff_ language, _tell_ the formatter that your device extension command has, say, done something that has "dirtied" the state of the stroke and/or fill colors, and that these should be restored, say _after_ the device extension command (not before). So what I'd like to do is extend the little-used `fl` request to accept arguments (CSTR #54 `fl` accepts none). These arguments would encode each of the foregoing data: * font selection * stroke color selection * fill color selection * horizontal drawing position * vertical drawing position Consequently I propose a new idiom for use of `\X` and `device`: bracket these formatting directives with `fl` requests if and as necessary. If a device extension command does nothing to affect the state of page output operations--whimsically we might imagine causing a message like "HELLO, DAVE" to appear on a printer's LCD display--then just like now it need not invoke any `fl` requests. Importantly, none of these arguments is parameterized. The idea is not to replace formatter operations but to ensure synchrony between formatter state, representation of that state in device-independent output, and the state of the device. So when you "flush" any of these data, the parameter written to the device-independent output is what the formatter _thinks_ it is at that moment. If your device extension command really does do something like change the stroke color, you'll need to encode that in your input alongside the `\X` or `device` instruction. I'll be updating this ticket with a demonstrator involving Deri's "sboxes" package, which is what brought this issue to my attention. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?66187> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah https://savannah.gnu.org/
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