Hi folks,

It's been quite a while since I shared these, and as far as I know
they're still inaccessible to non-administrator users even for reading,
which is a shame.  I imagine they could be useful to bug submitters, and
my fellow groff hackers who lack groff group admin privileges.

I have made a minor update to the "Blocker" definition, removing the
phrase ", or causes data loss."  Data loss (such as groff deleting a
file on your system without being told to) violates the "integrity"
property of the "CIA triad", and is therefore a "Security" issue.

I also added the word "host" to the "Security" Severity definition.

                           Item Group
| Build/Installation           | A groff component provokes     |
|                              | diagnostics from build or      |
|                              | other external tools, or       |
|                              | outright fails to deploy.      |
| Crash/Unresponsive           | A groff component exhibits an  |
|                              | uncontrolled exit, busy-waits, |
|                              | loops infinitely, or blocks    |
|                              | inappropriately.               |
| Documentation                | A groff component is           |
|                              | incorrectly or inadequately    |
|                              | documented.                    |
| Feature change               | Some user-visible interface or |
|                              | program should be added,       |
|                              | deleted, or significantly      |
|                              | modified. These could be NEWS  |
|                              | items.                         |
| Incorrect behaviour          | A groff component doesn't      |
|                              | perform within norms or as     |
|                              | specified.                     |
| Lint                         | Some detail of groff is        |
|                              | unfastidious, such as non-     |
|                              | confusing typos in             |
|                              | documentation or code style    |
|                              | nits. These matters do not     |
|                              | warrant a ChangeLog entry      |
|                              | absent a Savannah ticket.      |
| Rendering/Cosmetics          | The output of a groff          |
|                              | component is ugly, but not     |
|                              | incorrect and not misrendered. |
| Test                         | A test program yields false    |
|                              | results or must be upgraded.   |
| Warning/Suspicious behaviour | A groff component issues a     |
|                              | surprising diagnostic message, |
|                              | or fails to do so when it      |
|                              | should.                        |

| Wish      | Issue is mainly a matter of taste.                |
| Minor     | Issue doesn't affect the component's usefulness,  |
|           | and is presumably trivial to handle.              |
| Normal    | Issue is not better described by a different      |
|           | severity, or has not yet been evaluated.          |
| Important | Issue has a major effect on the component's       |
|           | usability without rendering it completely         |
|           | unusable to everyone.                             |
| Blocker   | Issue makes the component unusable or mostly so.  |
| Security  | Issue compromises confidentiality, integrity, or  |
|           | availability of the host system.                  |


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