Follow-up Comment #3, bug #66038 (group groff):

Right.  I'll clarify that my complaint isn't "the diagnostic won't parrot my
input back to me", it's "the diagnostic is emitting a number that seems--to a
user not versed in groff internals--unconnected to anything in input."

Two possible ways of addressing this are:
* Stop including a number in the diagnostic at all.  If we know the user's
number is long gone, there's little value in reporting a number that's its
third cousin twice removed.
* Reword the diagnostic to make it clear to the user that the number being
reported has been molested by the parser and may bear lasting scars as a

This ticket's reworded summary is not an accurate reflection of what I
want--my request is "don't misquote," not "groff must quote verbatim"--but I
was less than clear about that originally.


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