Follow-up Comment #5, bug #65985 (group groff):

[comment #4 comment #4:]
> [comment #3 comment #3:]
> > The paper format is reported as:
> > 
> >    checking default paper format... letter
> Interesting!  I was intrigued by the fact that every technique the
`GROFF_PAGE` macro uses to try to infer this information appears to fail.  But
then I saw from your attachments that you appear to be using GNU stow, so the
file specs you use do not closely resemble those of the FHS.  No wonder the
configure script couldn't find things.  This may also account for the problems
with Python PSUtils.

Okay. I do believe that I also compiled it once with /usr/local as
installation prefix and still had those errors, but not quite sure.

> > I attach the file as well as a file containing the
> > configuration report.
> Thank you.  Their MIME types were either not set well or mangled into
oblivion by Savannah, so they ended up as "application/octet-stream", which is
not very friendly for browsing (nor, perhaps, for Web searches that might lead
other people having problems building _groff_ to this ticket).

I should probably just have added the ".txt" extension to the files.

> Does this information (and disablement of _grohtml_) address the concerns
you raised in #comment 0?

Insofar as removing the error messages, yes.

> Should I call you Morten, Bo, Morten Bo, ...something else?

You may call me anything you want except "Late For Dinner"! All right that was
an old one ...Morten is just fine ;)

> I appreciate your recent attention to _groff_.  I hope we can > improve it
for you and the rest of its user community.

I thank you for all your work, Branden! I am in the process of creating a
pretty comprehensive groff editing mode for my editor of choice, Jed
(https://jedsoft/jed";) and it is during this process I have run into the odd
issue. I'll continue to report as  possibly I stumble upon anything.


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