Follow-up Comment #11, bug #64043 (group groff): I wasn't too impressed with this report, which attempted to use the Groff Mission Statement as a bludgeon for the reporter to get his way.
Backward compatibility with existing documents and usage will remain a top priority, as will avoiding feature-bloat and increased overheads. Possibly that aspect of the statement promises or implies too much; over my years of contributing to _groff_ I've observed and noted changes in Version 7, DWB, and Heirloom versions of _ms_, _mm_, and _man_ (where applicable -- _mm_ wasn't in Version 7) that all could be cited as models against which "backward compatibility" could be held as the highest "priority". (One of those differences in _ms_ came up in the linked discussion.) Adding _mandoc_(1) to the mixture, we've observed differences between its _mdoc_ and that of Net/2 BSD as well. So what to do when coequally canonical sources are in conflict? You make a decision and document things. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah
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