Update of bug #65930 (group groff):

                  Status:                    None => Confirmed              


Follow-up Comment #1:

Hi Dave,

The `@f` trap macro is setting itself off recursively.  This is not quite
obvious with `groff -b` but is if one instruments the `@t` macro.

$ git diff
diff --git a/tmac/e.tmac b/tmac/e.tmac
index 48962de54..7453f3e39 100644
--- a/tmac/e.tmac
+++ b/tmac/e.tmac
@@ -459,6 +459,7 @@ .de @e                      \" --- end page
 .de @t                 \" --- output header or footer title
 .if !\\n(?h \
+.      do tm GBR: \\$0: \\$@
 .      sz \\n(tp\"             \" set header/footer type fonts, etc.
 .      @F \\n(tf
 .      lt \\n(_Lu              \" make title span entire page
$ ./build/test-groff -bz -me EXPERIMENTS/tv-stack-limit.me 2>&1|head -n 20
GBR: @t: "$h"
GBR: @t: "$f"
GBR: @t: "$f"
GBR: @t: "$f"
GBR: @t: "$f"
GBR: @t: "$f"
GBR: @t: "$f"
GBR: @t: "$f"
GBR: @t: "$f"
GBR: @t: "$f"
GBR: @t: "$f"
GBR: @t: "$f"
GBR: @t: "$f"
GBR: @t: "$f"
GBR: @t: "$f"
GBR: @t: "$f"
GBR: @t: "$f"
GBR: @t: "$f"
GBR: @t: "$f"
GBR: @t: "$f"

Maybe we want to validate `tv` (and `dv`) values and enforce a limit...

...or maybe we should turn vertical position traps off while setting headers
and footers.  I wonder if Allman contemplated titles taller than one vee; if
not, vertical spacing is irrelevant in that context.

...so maybe what we want to do is temporarily set vertical spacing to zero
inside headers and footers.


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