Follow-up Comment #1, bug #65901 (group groff): After changing elipse to ellipse in the two code examples, I can't recreate the first problem. The dots are visible in zathura. The issue with dashed is real and is down to my appalling ability with maths. For dashed ellipse/circles groff outputs each segment as an arc:-
Da h1 v1 h2 v2 Draw arc from current position to (h1,v1)+(h2 ,v2 ) with center at (h1,v1); then move the current position to the final point of the arc. Postscript has an operator called arcn which grops uses:- arcn centerx centery radius angle1 angle2 arcn - clockwise PDF on the other hand uses cubic bezier curves:- x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 c Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve extends from the current point to the point (x3 , y3 ), using (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ) as the Bézier control points (see “Cubic Bézier Curves,” be- low). The new current point is (x3 , y3 ). So I have to calculate the control points for the curve. I suspect the algorithm I am using for this ("borrowed" from is breaking down when a very small arc actually describes a straight line. As this is a maths problem it may take a while for me to sort out, but if a proper mathematician can give me an algorithm to create a bezier from the arcn parameters I can pinch code from grops. :-) _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah