Update of bug #65902 (group groff): Status: None => Confirmed Assigned to: None => gbranden
_______________________________________________________ Follow-up Comment #1: Assigning to self, as I'm the only person who works on _grog_. I agree that _grog_ should detect the telltale _chem_(1) tokens and infer a `-j` option to the _groff_ command-line therefrom. For _lilypond_, _gperl_, and _gpinyin_, there is nothing for _grog_ to do since it infers only *command-line* arguments, and there are none corresponding to these preprocessors. Nor are there likely to be given the low apparent level of usage of all 3 of these. We don't often hear much about _chem_ either, but it (1) is of much longer pedigree than Bernd Warken's aforementioned preprocessors and (2) already has a _groff_ option assigned to it. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?65902> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah https://savannah.gnu.org/