Follow-up Comment #5, bug #62826 (group groff): I do not have a case example as I use stripping (expanded 'tmac/strip.sed') to avoid the repeated removal of non-essential characters.
Example is file 'tmac/doc.tmac'. Size 162336 mar 27 12:39 tmac/doc.tmac Stripped size 90253 maĆ 5 17:52 build/s-tmac/doc.tmac I can get rid of my '.hw' (and thus the '.' in tmac/doc.tmac) line and the comments by changing '.de' to '.de1' for three macros in 'tmac/mdoc/doc-common' The test for such a change is test-nroff -mandoc -ww -z -t -C tmac/groff_mdoc.7 N.B. cd tmac/mdoc The files in this directory have to be changed to non-compatibility mode like some other tmac files. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah