Update of bug #65664 (group groff): Status: None => Rejected Assigned to: None => gbranden Open/Closed: Open => Closed
_______________________________________________________ Follow-up Comment #1: > There is a missing test after the comment about 'mG' I don't agree. an-ext.tmac is not a stand-alone macro file; like mdoc/doc-common, it is meant only to be sourced by its parent. > test-nroff -ww -z an-ext.tmac The foregoing is (1) therefore an invalid experiment and (2) there is no such thing as "test-nroff" in GNU _roff_. > .if !r mG This uses extended _groff_ syntax and is not portable to AT&T/DWB/Solaris 10/Plan 9 _troffs_. The point of this file is to be portable to such formatters. _groff_man_(7): /.../share/groff/1.23.0/tmac/an-ext.tmac Except for .SB, definitions of macros described above as extensions are contained in this file; in some cases, they are simpler versions of definitions appearing in an.tmac, and are ignored if the formatter is GNU troff. They are written to be compatible with AT&T troff and permissively licensed—not copylefted. To reduce the risk of name space collisions, string and register names begin only with “m”. We encourage man page authors who are concerned about portability to legacy Unix systems to copy these definitions into their pages, and maintainers of troff implementations or work‐alike systems that format man pages to re‐use them. ... An AT&T-compatible formatter will define the `mG` register as zero upon its first interpolation, which produces intended results. Rejecting. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?65664> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah https://savannah.gnu.org/