Follow-up Comment #1, bug #65619 (group groff): If no -w is given afmtodit uses the width of the space glyph as the value. This is ideal since this is the value which the font designer has chosen as most appropriate for particular font. The various values for the URW fonts are:-
font/devpdf/U-AB:spacewidth 280 font/devpdf/U-AB:space 280 font/devpdf/U-AB:M 900 font/devpdf/U-ABI:spacewidth 280 font/devpdf/U-ABI:space 280 font/devpdf/U-ABI:M 900 font/devpdf/U-AI:spacewidth 277 font/devpdf/U-AI:space 277 font/devpdf/U-AI:M 919 font/devpdf/U-AR:spacewidth 277 font/devpdf/U-AR:space 277 font/devpdf/U-AR:M 919 font/devpdf/U-BMB:spacewidth 340 font/devpdf/U-BMB:space 340 font/devpdf/U-BMB:M 940 font/devpdf/U-BMBI:spacewidth 340 font/devpdf/U-BMBI:space 340 font/devpdf/U-BMBI:M 860 font/devpdf/U-BMI:spacewidth 300 font/devpdf/U-BMI:space 300 font/devpdf/U-BMI:M 860 font/devpdf/U-BMR:spacewidth 320 font/devpdf/U-BMR:space 320 font/devpdf/U-BMR:M 920 font/devpdf/U-CB:spacewidth 600 font/devpdf/U-CB:space 600 font/devpdf/U-CB:M 600 font/devpdf/U-CBI:spacewidth 600 font/devpdf/U-CBI:space 600 font/devpdf/U-CBI:M 600 font/devpdf/U-CI:spacewidth 600 font/devpdf/U-CI:space 600 font/devpdf/U-CI:M 600 font/devpdf/U-CR:spacewidth 600 font/devpdf/U-CR:space 600 font/devpdf/U-CR:M 600 font/devpdf/U-HB:spacewidth 278 font/devpdf/U-HB:space 278 font/devpdf/U-HB:M 833 font/devpdf/U-HBI:spacewidth 278 font/devpdf/U-HBI:space 278 font/devpdf/U-HBI:M 833 font/devpdf/U-HI:spacewidth 278 font/devpdf/U-HI:space 278 font/devpdf/U-HI:M 833 font/devpdf/U-HNB:spacewidth 228 font/devpdf/U-HNB:space 228 font/devpdf/U-HNB:M 683 font/devpdf/U-HNBI:spacewidth 228 font/devpdf/U-HNBI:space 228 font/devpdf/U-HNBI:M 683 font/devpdf/U-HNI:spacewidth 228 font/devpdf/U-HNI:space 228 font/devpdf/U-HNI:M 683 font/devpdf/U-HNR:spacewidth 228 font/devpdf/U-HNR:space 228 font/devpdf/U-HNR:M 683 font/devpdf/U-HR:spacewidth 278 font/devpdf/U-HR:space 278 font/devpdf/U-HR:M 833 font/devpdf/U-NB:spacewidth 287 font/devpdf/U-NB:space 287 font/devpdf/U-NB:M 981 font/devpdf/U-NBI:spacewidth 287 font/devpdf/U-NBI:space 287 font/devpdf/U-NBI:M 944 font/devpdf/U-NI:spacewidth 278 font/devpdf/U-NI:space 278 font/devpdf/U-NI:M 944 font/devpdf/U-NR:spacewidth 278 font/devpdf/U-NR:space 278 font/devpdf/U-NR:M 944 font/devpdf/U-PB:spacewidth 250 font/devpdf/U-PB:space 250 font/devpdf/U-PB:M 1000 font/devpdf/U-PBI:spacewidth 250 font/devpdf/U-PBI:space 250 font/devpdf/U-PBI:M 944 font/devpdf/U-PI:spacewidth 250 font/devpdf/U-PI:space 250 font/devpdf/U-PI:M 944 font/devpdf/U-PR:spacewidth 250 font/devpdf/U-PR:space 250 font/devpdf/U-PR:M 946 font/devpdf/U-S:spacewidth 250 font/devpdf/U-S:space 250 font/devpdf/U-TB:spacewidth 250 font/devpdf/U-TB:space 250 font/devpdf/U-TB:M 944 font/devpdf/U-TBI:spacewidth 250 font/devpdf/U-TBI:space 250 font/devpdf/U-TBI:M 889 font/devpdf/U-TI:spacewidth 250 font/devpdf/U-TI:space 250 font/devpdf/U-TI:M 833 font/devpdf/U-TR:spacewidth 250 font/devpdf/U-TR:space 250 font/devpdf/U-TR:M 889 font/devpdf/U-ZCMI:spacewidth 220 font/devpdf/U-ZCMI:space 220 font/devpdf/U-ZCMI:M 840 font/devpdf/U-ZD:spacewidth 278 font/devpdf/U-ZD:space 278 As you can see, generally, 1/3 of an em would deliver looser text, except for mono spaced fonts where it is considerably tighter. Most western language fonts do include a "space" glyph [1]. Some CJK fonts (which also include western glyphs) have all glyphs mono spaced but 2 different widths, a larger one for ideographs, the space width for these is usually matching the western glyph size. (See font DFSongStd as an example). Other CJK fonts have proportional western glyphs and fixed width CJK, with no space glyph defined, this is when afmtodit fails to write a spacewidth parameter. See font TakaoPGothic as an example). When fonts do not have a space glyph they sometimes have a u0020 and a u00A0 glyph which are also good candidates for setting spacewidth. The GNU Unifont Alex is using has both of these glyph which are good candidates for setting spacewidth since it is a mono spaced font. [1] you can use \[space] in groff, if your font has a space glyph, and you seem to get a fixed width space. It is usually defined into font as something like:- /space { 0 512 hsbw endchar } ND And hsbw operator is defined as:- hsbw RD sbx wx hsbw ND sets the left sidebearing point at (sbx, 0) and sets the character width vector to (wx, 0) in character space. This command also sets the current point to (sbx, 0), but does not place the point in the character path. Use rmoveto for the first point in the path. The name hsbw stands for horizontal sidebearing and width; hor- izontal indicates that the y component of both the sidebearing and width is 0. Either sbw or hsbw must be used once as the first command in a character outline definition. It must be used only once. In non-marking characters, such as the space character, the left sidebearing point should be (0, 0). _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah