Update of bug #60260 (group groff):

                  Status:               Confirmed => None                   

Follow-up Comment #5:

My comment #4 is _not_ illustrative of a _groff_/AT&T compatibility issue.

What it illustrates is AT&T's line counter being wrong, and me not reading the
output carefully enough.

$ cat EXPERIMENTS/ie.roff
.ie \nA .tm line 1 (\n(.c), A=\nA
.el .ie \nB .tm line 2 (\n(.c), B=\nB
.el .tm line 3 (\n(.c), A=\nA, B=\nB
.el .tm line 4 (\n(.c), A=\nA, B=\nB
.el .tm line 5 (\n(.c), A=\nA, B=\nB
$ ./build/test-groff -ww -T ascii EXPERIMENTS/ie.roff 
troff:EXPERIMENTS/ie.roff:1: warning: register 'A' not defined
troff:EXPERIMENTS/ie.roff:2: warning: register 'B' not defined
line 3 (3), A=0, B=0
troff:EXPERIMENTS/ie.roff:4: warning: unbalanced 'el' request
troff:EXPERIMENTS/ie.roff:5: warning: unbalanced 'el' request
$ cd ~/heirloom/
$ ./bin/nroff ie.roff 
line 3 (2), A=0, B=0
$ cd ~/dwb
$ DWBHOME=. ./bin/nroff ie.roff 
line 3 (2), A=0, B=0


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