Update of bug#56015 (group groff): Summary: [grotty] should handle bullet character more intelligently => [PATCH] [grotty] should handle bullet character more intelligently
_______________________________________________________ Follow-up Comment #8: If we're all in agreement about dropping \[pc] and \[md] as bullet fallbacks: * Since the two ".if c" calls setting them up don't do what's expected anyway, it seems that the code block Jeff quoted can be ripped out of tty.tmac wholesale. * Comment #2 posits that .fchar is the correct mechanism for handling this situation. While it has issues as well, it's used to define a plethora of other fallback characters in tty.tmac, so if .fchar is deemed inadequate as a mechanism to define grotty fallbacks, that issue goes far beyond the bullet, and this bug is limited to the bullet's rendering. So what _should_ be the fallback on terminals where no bullet is available? Since few if any modern terminal emulators support overstriking (see comment 1 in bug #62983), and grotty output is far likelier to be put on a screen than on a printer, I think this fallback shouldn't involve overstriking, which rules out an overstruck "o" and "+", which is what tty.tmac currently defines (once the aforementioned code block is removed) and is one of Jeff's suggestions. That leaves the asterisk as the one idea that everyone in this thread can get behind: Jeff, Branden, and I have all endorsed it (respectively in the [comment #0 original submission], comment #1, and comment #5). In light of all the above, I submit the following patch for feedback. diff --git a/tmac/tty.tmac b/tmac/tty.tmac index 2a28a7dd2..0ebd77a2c 100644 --- a/tmac/tty.tmac +++ b/tmac/tty.tmac @@ -8,15 +8,7 @@ . .po 0 . -.if !'\*[.T]'utf8' \{\ -. ie c\[pc] \ -. tr \[bu]\[pc] -. el \ -. if c\[md] \ -. tr \[bu]\[md] -.\} -. -.fchar \[bu] \z+o +.fchar \[bu] * .fchar \[14] 1/4 .fchar \[12] 1/2 .fchar \[34] 3/4 _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?56015> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah https://savannah.gnu.org/