Follow-up Comment #1, bug#63334 (group groff):

[comment #0 original submission:]
> Looking at all the pre-alphabet ASCII symbols:
> $ printf "\\[u%04x] " $(seq 32 64) | nroff | cat -s

This produces some incorrect syntax: printf's "%04x" conversion produces hex
digits with lowercase letters, but groff needs uppercase.  Changing the "x" to
"X" corrects this.

> Five of them are handled as expected, 15 are converted to
> unrecognized \ characters, and 13 are not recognized at all.  

The news gets better (or worse) when you fix the above syntax error.  Now 8
characters are handled as expected, 23 are converted to unrecognized \
characters, and 2 are not recognized at all.


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