Follow-up Comment #11, bug#64285 (group groff): [comment #10 comment #10:] > I _do_ observe some tiny differences (in kerning), for instance: Kerning appears to be done by troff, not the postprocessor:
$ diff <(printf 'AVATAR\n' | groff -Z) <(printf '.kern 0\nAVATAR\n' | groff -Z) 12,20c12 < tA < H77870 < tV < H83740 < tA < H89850 < tT < H95030 < tAR --- > tAVATAR So any kerning differences should be the result of differences in kerning data in the font description files of the respective ps and pdf devices. > However, these do not seem relevant to this ticket. Agreed. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah