Update of bug#65138 (group groff): Item Group: Warning/Suspicious behaviour => Documentation
_______________________________________________________ Follow-up Comment #1: A partially collected line needs to exist at least once. If it does, you can issue a `device` request as early as you want. So I am re-conceiving this as a documentation issue. Exhibits: $ cat EXPERIMENTS/device-control-request-and-nothing-else.roff .device ps: nop $ groff -ww -Z EXPERIMENTS/device-control-request-and-nothing-else.roff x T ps x res 72000 1 1 x init p1 x trailer V792000 x stop $ cat EXPERIMENTS/device-control-request-and-partially-collected-line.roff .device ps: nop .br $ groff -ww -Z EXPERIMENTS/device-control-request-and-partially-collected-line.roff x T ps x res 72000 1 1 x init p1 V12000 H72000 x font 5 TR f5 s10000 V12000 H72000 md DFd x X ps: nop n12000 0 x trailer V792000 x stop -verbatim- _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?65138> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah https://savannah.gnu.org/