Follow-up Comment #2, bug#65101 (group groff): Why are you doing this? Should I expect mdoc to use four fonts and have all the controls that make precise layouts possible stripped out because man doesn't have them? I never should've bothered reporting this after that time I posted about using Tn and you deleted it because you don't like it. But I'll dig because this is just so insane to me. How are mdoc and man related here and man relevant here _at all_? Why do you feel like you have the right to take a document someone else wrote and alter it because you don't like how it looks? It may not feel like that's what you're doing mechanically but you are altering a 30-year-old body of work out of personal preference. Do you feel you should be doing this and that this is a good thing to be doing? What in _god's own name_ is "history of how man page topics got rendered over time" doing in a response to "you made a macro that rendered in a specific consistent way for 30 years render in a completely different way"? If you like that way better, because this is all _your personal visual and editorial preference_, then gate it all on \n[groff_new_mdoc] and let _individual authors_ opt into it. You are not manufacturing a singular system here (you can tell because you haven't written any new manuals or edited any existing manuals to fit the new macro system), and your goal is not to make every page somehow magically look identical (because you *didn't write those documents*; this is also obviously impossible), you are providing an _interface_ for others to write documents against, which has been consistent for 30 years, with occasional bug fixes and extensions, sure, but not with _a fundamental change of what output is generated_, and how it behaves. I would 100% opt into a groff_new_mdoc "look" and write documents against it. If you market it as The New Unified Common Free Way most authors probably would. I _will not_ tolerate, defined as "getting my knickers in a twist" 🤮, just flagrantly changing my documents because you don't like them. I don't think you would either! This is crazy to me because I thought if there's one API one could count on being consistent to lay out documents with it'd be mdoc which has been used to lay out documents for decades with a consistent look and feel and a well-behaved and constant interface. _Groff itself_ has for a long time defined a contract: hey Nm looks like this. Xr looks like this. Li looks like this. Sx looks like this. Tn looks like this. The manual is perfectly clear on what all the macros look like. And you decided to completely violate this. They no longer look like what they have been documented to look like for decades. This isn't cruft (like the Pq thin spaces were), this isn't something to correct (like the Ss indent the section name goes multi-line), this is deliberate design. I have personally spent days if not weeks (months, actually, but most of that time was also spent producing the text itself, and I also care about troff renders; this will just be days-to-weeks for most people) making sure that out of four fonts available in nroff mode the body of the text is clear and obvious. Shuffling the fonts around *100% breaks this*. Again, if this were just a new mode? I'd opt in and write with it when it reaches stability. If this new german psyche is rendered unto my documents by force? I am violated.
Sorry, long post. If you don't care about reading my essay about colonialism please just put the altered L&F behind .if dgroff_new_mdoc and unbreak the last 30 years of documents. I'd define groff_new_mdoc in my new mdoc documents :) _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah