Follow-up Comment #1, bug#65098 (group groff):

[comment #0 original submission:]
> I thought it might be helpful to have a place where we can see
> progress on this.

I agree.  This is difficult because the main blocker I'm experiencing is
finding enough spoons to properly changelog the giant change to  This could also involve dividing it into discrete change
sets (commits), but that seems even more daunting (under the "don't make
the tree go red" principle) and this merge has been held up for a while.

> I have noticed some cherry picking from the branch happening so I'm
> hopeful there will be movement on the rest.

Yes.  I was very happy to see that these bug fixes were independent of
the "next generation" code changes.  :)

> If you are too snowed under at the moment just assign it back to me
> and I can do the merge of the rest.

It's not the merging per se that is the hard part; it is bundling the
merge with enough developer-facing information that we don't degrade the
maintainability of the system.

I guess I could mention that some of the changes on the branch that
_aren't_ to, like an.tmac-related stuff, is not in the "final
form" I envision it taking.  I'd like to clean up the design (and
implement missing formatter or macro package features where
appropriate).  But as a proof of concept it's fine and I'm glad it's
getting good exercise in the Linux man-pages, with Alejandro's
enthusiastic adoption.  That gives me a good baseline from which I can
measure (and hopefully avoid) regressions.

Now that we have a dependency graph, I think I'd be a good idea if I
created a "1.24 release goals" ticket, and made it depend on this one.




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