Follow-up Comment #8, bug #63632 (project groff):

[comment #7 comment #7:]
> There is no hard rule against use of formatter features not
> listed in _groff_man_style_(7)'s "Portability" section.
True, but \| and \^ having similar uses, I presumed the one explicitly claimed
to be (more) portable would be preferable.

However, I did not render the cited line in refer(1) both ways to see if I
thought one looked significantly better.  Or even look at it as-is to see if I
thought it needed the typographic nudge at all.

While \| is certainly in a lot more groff man pages, \^ is not unheard of.

$ find . -type f -name *.man* -exec fgrep -l '\|' {} \; | wc
     53      53    1581
$ find . -type f -name *.man* -exec fgrep -l '\^' {} \; | wc
      8       8     227

These may include some false positives, but it's a rough guide.


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